Designing games is an art – and I am an artist.
I could prattle on about design systems and core features but at the end of the day, I want to have fun doing what I do, and I want that fun to be palpable to players.
I’ve been involved in the game industry for over 20 years, and I’ve worn multiple hats. I’ve worked on small indie games and AAA games. I’ve taken ideas from practically incoherent scratchings on a beer mat to a full-fledged game.
Am I scatterbrained and sometimes think a bit too far outside the box? Guilty as charged…but knowing when to kill your darlings is equally as important as aiming for the stars.
Am I a bit OCD and OTT when it comes to documentation and overall versions of truth? Yup.
So check out my experiences below, watch some videos and who knows, maybe you like what you see and we can talk shop.